Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Branding - An Introduction by Musekiwa Samuriwo

Miss Rudo Nyangulu
CEO Stimulus Group

Musekiwa Samuriwo dubbed , 'The Afrikan Knight' is an inspired visionary when it comes to the realm of entrepreneurship. He is the author behind The Shark and the Japanese Fisherman and the Entrepreneurs Intel which are both rich resources of information for entrepreneurs. It is my pleasure to introduce him to our community as the first independant contributor to the Entruprenurial Report. Though Mr Samuriwo is very much an all rounder, he is starting his residence with us talking about the one place all business visions start from; 
The Brand.
Mr Samuriwo has been instrumental in developing the Stimulus brand among many others and his expertise will be evident over the next few weeks and months as he shares pearls of wisdom with us that will catapult our businesses to new heights. - Rudo

Musekiwa 'The Afrikan  Knight' Samuriwo

   Future ages will wonder at us as present ages will wonder at us now.
Pericles 460 B.C.
Pericles is commonly regarded is the father of modern day democracy. Hence when he said these words he captured what would endear the world thousands of years later in 2011; the ideology of democracy. His bold proclamation is also a challenge to up and coming entrepreneurs as we consider the prospect of developing lasting brands.    How will your brand be remembered years from now?  Will there be a level of wonder in the future as much as there is a wonder in the present?  IS your business designed to last for a very long time?  These are some of the questions we will seek to answer in the forthcoming parts of this presentation. 

Exercise on the power of observation by Michael Michalko

The mind, through prolonged inspection of a subject, becomes bored with it and will explore alternative ways of perceiving it by decomposing the whole into parts and looking for the interesting parts. In the early steps of this process, the effects of these changes remain below the level of awareness. After a while, you become aware of them.
There are nine people in this picture. Inspect the picture and see how many can you find.
·         If you find 6, you have an ordinary power of observation.
·         Find 7, you have an above average power of observation.
·         Find 8, you are very observant. Congratulate yourself.
F    Find 9, you are extremely observant. You are very intuitive and creative.

Figure 1 Source www.creativethinking.net (c) Michael Michalko


This is an important attribute and tool in the development and implementation of a brand. Observation will help you recognize different aspects of your business and the marketplace you operate in as a business. Observation will also help you see beyond the superficial and mundane so as to unlock more profound and salient aspects of life, business and possibility.

What is Branding?


·         The word brand comes from the old Norse word BRANDR which means “to burn”
·         According to the American Marketing Association a brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of them intended to identify goods and services of one seller from their competition.
In the next section of the presentation we are going to discuss different aspects of creating and managing branding starting with brand identity.  I will leave you with this quote,
“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” - Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan was a renowned conqueror known by his enemies, peers and subjects for one thing, destroying all that was in his path. This quote reflects how he wanted to be identified.  

How do you want to be identified?
Musekiwa Samuriwo speaking on Brand Strategy at a Stimulus networking event 

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